I enjoying using videos to assist with instruction. I use videos all the time in my classroom, whether they be a few seconds or minutes long. I guess teaching Read 180 for two years sold me on the importance of using videos to "anchor" a student's interest. I have found wonderful videos on Youtube. I especially love The Discovery Channel's selection of cartoons depicting historical figures. This year, I have downloaded Harriett Tubman, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and John Henry. For a Mardi Gras lesson, I found a video montage on Teachertube.com. The video showed several photographs of the parade, the city, the people, and other customs. While the pictures were showing, jazz music played in the background. The video helped to increase their understanding of the holiday and its traditions more than I ever could alone. Granted, my students' needs are unique when compared to most, but they generally enjoy and benefit from instruction involving videos.
Two common CSO's related to the Mardi Gras video includes:
RLA.7.2.ES.2: Use resource media to obtain information
RLA.8.3.ES.1: Listen to and communicate with a variety of speakers in order to answer questions regarding the content.
RLA.7.2.ES.2: Use resource media to obtain information
RLA.8.3.ES.1: Listen to and communicate with a variety of speakers in order to answer questions regarding the content.
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