I thoroughly enjoyed the WV State Technology Conference. I learned so many things that could help me better reach the needs of my students. I wish I could have attended every session offered as there were so many wonderful topics discussed. The one session I found most informing was "Let's Use Those Cell Phones in the Classroom". The presenter was Ms. Lori Whitt, a technology facilitator in the Kanawha County school system. This was the first time I had ever seen cell phones used to facilitate instruction. During the fifty minute session, I used my cell phone's texting abilities to participate in an activity using http://www.polleverywhere.com/. Because of this session, I decided to take a WVLearns class concerning cell phones in the classroom. I have since used polleverywhere.com and my APTA students easily and joyfully participated. Ms. Whitt also showed us Google's tool in which you can text a question to 466453 (”GOOGLE” on most devices) and Google will send you back the answer for FREE!
I would like to share these tools with my teachers as it is user friendly and many of my co-workers have new iPhones they are excited to use. I think polleverywhere.com would be an engaging, yet quick bell ringer and/or closing activity that could be employed in any content area. Of course, Google's tool could serve the same purpose as a computer. However, recently, we have had some very serious issues involving texting at school, so I don't know if I could win them over, specifically our administration.
On a side note, I really enjoyed listening to Mr. Sean Tuohy. He delivered a nice message and was extremely engaging. I could have listened to him speak for hours. Honestly, as a teacher, especially a sp. ed. teacher, he really won me over with his "We believe in miracles" message.
I would like to share these tools with my teachers as it is user friendly and many of my co-workers have new iPhones they are excited to use. I think polleverywhere.com would be an engaging, yet quick bell ringer and/or closing activity that could be employed in any content area. Of course, Google's tool could serve the same purpose as a computer. However, recently, we have had some very serious issues involving texting at school, so I don't know if I could win them over, specifically our administration.
On a side note, I really enjoyed listening to Mr. Sean Tuohy. He delivered a nice message and was extremely engaging. I could have listened to him speak for hours. Honestly, as a teacher, especially a sp. ed. teacher, he really won me over with his "We believe in miracles" message.
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