After reading information about and experimenting with Twitter, I have discovered it can have many uses in the classroom. One simple application would be to create a class twitter page where the teacher, students, and parents could share information about homework and school events. If I could get all my parents on board, I would save so much time writing and copying information to share with them. Twitter would be a great way to share links to sites like littlebirdtales.com where students create and store projects.
While researching Twitter in the classroom, I came across a teacher's post who stated he used Twitter to record "aha" moments and great questions his students ask throughout the day. This would be a great idea for all grade levels. I think Twitter would be a great way for students to answer bellringer and essential questions. As with any written form of communication, Twitter would allow those students who do not like speaking in front of others to share their thoughts. Once more, Twitter could be used as a tool to connect students to others from all over the world. The Kindergarten Twitter Project lists many examples of using Twitter in this fashion. I especially liked this site because I could use it with my students.
Also, Twitter would be a great way for teachers and principals to quickly share information with one another. Twitter could also be used during professional development to acquire feedback.
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